Our Spring Dreams bouquet brings a collection on cheerful flowers together in a glass cube vase. Filled with fluffy blue hydrangea, petite yellow spray roses, gerbera daisies and more. This flower bouquet is appropriate for a range of floral occasions from Birthday flowers, cheery Get well flowers, just to brighten someone's day, and even to send thoughts of sympathy for a funeral flower bouquet. The size is just right for most homes, can be placed on a dining room table or kitchen counter any place that needs some flower brightness and cheer. Approximately 11 tall by 10 wide.
If your recipient is out of our local delivery area, a florist in that town will design a similar bouquet- substitutions on flowers and vase may be used. Our Ballard Blossom, Seattle Florist local delivery area includes: Seattle, Shoreline, Edmonds, Mt Lake Terrace flower delivery, as well as Lake Forest Park, Kenmore, and select areas of Bothell and Lynnwood.