Celebrate any happy occasion with the exuberant Seattle Sundance Flower Bouquet. The eye-catching hot pink spray roses and orange roses are complimented by delicate yellow alstroemeria stems, stock and carnations. This is a perfect present to add to their joy and happiness. Ballard Blossom is proud to be your local flower shop since 1927-delivering flowers and smiles!
The picture represents our original design for this bouquet, if a particular bloom is not available on the delivery day we will select and appropriate substitute bloom. If your order is out of our local delivery area the florist there will design a bouquet as similar as possible, they many have to use a substitute vase.
Classic Approximately 18" h x 15" w
Deluxe Approximately 19"h x 16"w
Exquisite Approximately 20" h x 19" w